

DanceWorks Chicago is excited to resume DanceChance IRL and return to its original home at the Ruth Page Center for the Arts…WOO!

DanceChance is a one-hour event designed to offer opportunities for choreographers to show their work informally, create a forum for dialogue among artists, and build audience for dance. Inspired by the concept of open-mic night, DanceChance is held once a month and features 3 choreographers chosen by chance, each of whom has a 15-minute time slot to share their work. The hour includes a moderated meet-the-artist session providing an opportunity for choreographers to discuss their work and process as well as time for the audience to ask questions. At the end of each DanceChance, the next trio of participants is chosen from names submitted by choreographers in attendance.

DanceWorks Chicago is inspired to resume this program to encourage creativity and a sense of adventure on the part of artists and audience and to bring communities together to learn more about each other.

Participate with confiDANCE:

  • Proof of vaccination and the wearing of a mask is required from each participant. Thank you for being part of creating a safe space!
  • Follow DWC on Eventbrite!

From a DanceChance choreographer: “It feels more human when the line between those on the outside and those on the inside is blurred, as opposed to a harsh divide between the spectators and the participants. In this case, the audience is as much of a participant as the performers, and that creates an engaging environment where both parties can take something away from the experience.”

Team DWC is proud to partner with Chicago Dance History Project, which captures dance history in the making at DanceChance!

Please join DanceWorks Chicago and our partners Chicago Dance History Project and the Ruth Page Center in our efforts to support local artists and audiences!

Choreographers: Ashley Rivette and Alicia René

Guest moderator: TBA

Entrance: $3-$10 Experience: Priceless!

This program is partially supported by grants from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

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