Deep Yin Acupuncture Sound Bath


Acupuncture by Dr. Sophie Harris DACM, L.Ac. & Sound Bath by Danielle Elese of Foxy Sage

Dr. Sophie Harris and Danielle Elese RMT, CSHT have combined their healing modalities to bring you a deeply restorative hour experience. Acupuncture and sound bath meditation creates a beautiful opportunity for realignment of the body’s energetics.

Our intentions in combining these two modalities are to bring relaxation & peace while accessing deep levels of the subconscious and removing blockages to restore the proper flow of energy (qi).

This deep yin practice will leave you feeling restful and at ease. The body mind and spirit will be ready for deep sleep after the treatment. Come nourish your being & give yourself the true rest you deserve.

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Dr. Sophie Harris is a doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine and licensed acupuncturist in Santa Barbara, CA. Through her master and doctoral studies, Dr. Sophie has a deep knowledge in supporting and treating acute and chronic conditions of the mind, body, and spirit.

Her passion is rooted in helping her patients find the healer within themselves. Dr. Sophie promotes the empowerment of her patients through a holistic healthcare approach. She is committed to helping each patient reach their highest health goals and is deeply honored to be a part of their healing journeys.

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Danielle Elese is a certified Sound Healing Therapist, Spirtual Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master Teacher (CSHT, RMT). Education & expansion are the cornerstones of Danielle’s healing explorations.

Her intention is to provide space for others to come into greater alignment with their own inner healer. Thus activating one’s own unique purpose, in alignment with a sense of joy. 

Music and song have always been interwoven within Danielle’s expression. Danielle uses Reiki-infused Sound Healing to bring the body, soul & spirit back into harmony with one another.

Creating greater harmony within the Universe. 

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We recommend bringing a yoga mat, blankets, pillow, eye cover or any other props to create a personal space where you will be comfortable. This includes bolsters, padding for yoga mat or anything that will increase your comfortabilty while receiving treatement. Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing that can go above the knee for acupuncture. (No leggings or yoga pants please)

Please plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early to set up your space and have your client intake forms confirmed. Follow the link to submit your client intake and upload your signed Acupuncture Informed Consent form (see email for this PDF).

When you arrive there is a small parking lot and street parking available surrounding the venue.

*Please fill out and submit Client Intake Form prior to event.

Reach out with any other follow up questions via email at