Developing a Sense of Human


The program will air each week with some extremely talented actors that I've had the pleasure of directing in my work. There will be an opportunity to meet the actors and for discussion with the writer (me).

And while I may have an idea of what each piece means, my work is metaphorical enough to elicit a variety of interpretations and I'm eager to find out what it may mean to you.

I hope you can join us for the premier and will continue to come back weekly to see the superb performances of these fine actors and for us to get to know one another.

  • Chapter 1--"Go Figure"
  • Chapter 2 "For Crying Outloud"
  • Chapter 3: "Did we miss the turnoff?"

While there is no cost, reservations are required and we do appreciate your donations which you can give to our non-profit tax-exempt company, The Laughing Heart.