Developing Emotionally Intelligent Leaders: From Theory to Practice


Course Description:

According to Cross Knowledge, Emotional Intelligence involves understanding and managing emotions and feelings – your own and those of other people.

Why is this so important? Because in times of uncertainty, the ability to understand and better manage your own emotions will help you to be grounded and centered. You will then be more open to how others are feeling. You will have empathy – a genuine concern and understanding of other people – what and why they are feeling and thinking as they do. As a result, you will be in a good position to effectively manage other people confidently and firmly, but also with compassion.

For leaders, having emotional intelligence is essential for success.

Course Topics:

- Self-Awareness

- How to Have Empathic Communication

- Emotional Regulation

- Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills

- Identify Various Ways to Strengthen Emotional Intelligence

- Recognize Behaviors Associated with Emotional Intelligence

Course Features:

- Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the e-book "30 Days of Courageous Leadership" by Todd Simmons

- Participants will receive a complimentary digital leadership journal for printing


After the MasterClass, participants will receive a digital course completion certificate from Courageous Leadership Alliance to proudly display on social media applications or for printing. This course completion is also great to add to resumes.

Who can Attend?

Anybody who is interested in learning how to not only understand EQ, but also how to apply it to their organzanizations with lasting effects.

About the Speaker:

Ms. Kwahera Spears is a Air Force Veteran, Clinical Social Worker, Wife, and mother of two beautiful girls; "I was once broken, lost, confused, and filled with pain due to unresolved trauma. I found myself looking for either a way out or a way forward, and I chose the path ahead. After being honorably discharged from the military and relocating to DFW, I pursued my Master's degree in Social Work followed by a second Master's in Marriage and Family therapy. I begin this journey by working with the homeless Veteran population, assisting them in resume writing, interviewing, budgeting, and resource connection.

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I provide individual and couples therapy to those dealing with trauma, depression, anxiety, PTSD, personality disorders, and adjustment disorders. I have dedicated the last ten years to helping others through counseling, education, and support. I have always loved inspiring others and seeing others grow. Healing is possible through knowledge, support, strength, and focus, so let's get it."

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