Dissociation, Attunement & Therapeutic Process in Trauma-Informed Therapy


Dissociation, Attunement & Therapeutic Process in Trauma-Informed Therapy image
Dissociation, Attunement & Therapeutic Process in Trauma-Informed Therapy image

Karen Hopenwasser, M.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Weill Cornell and is a psychiatrist in private practice treating adults with complex PTSD and dissociative disorders for more than three decades. In 2008 her publication in the Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, “Being in Rhythm: Dissociative Attunement in Therapeutic Practice” addressed the neurobiology and neurophysics of dissociative states in the therapeutic process and in relation to innovative and integrative techniques for healing. She has published several book chapters on working with dissociation and most recently about intergenerational transmission of trauma.