Drop In Dungeons & Dragons


Dungeons and Dragons is an immersive story game where you will be able to make choices and judgments that will have a real effects on the narrative going forward for everyone.

As a player you become an adventurous character of your choosing one customized by yourself or one you chose from a selections of pre-gens.

You make the choices for you character and have complete autonomy as you will be faced with moral and value judgements that can have positive and negative effects going forward depending on your decisions .

The world is one of "high fantasy" which is to say it's an idyllic medieval setting where magic is hiding behind every corner you can be an archetypal Ranger independent and skilled with their bow. Or perhaps a devout Cleric steadfast in their beliefs wielder of their gods power. You'll be facing legions of the undead as they flood the streets of a hapless city. Find yourselves exploring the wonderous secrets of the enchanted Feywild. Or crusade into Hell it's self for some noble goal.