Easy Like Sunday Morning - VIRTUAL


This is a practice of linking breath with movement and cultivating attention to the present moment. This class is great for those those who are new (or returning after a break) to integrate into a mindful movement practice. It balances building strength, mobility, flexibility, awareness while cultivating deeper connection to our individual and collective Spirit/Soul.

*Please note that this is an Online class via Zoom. 30 minute prior registration is advised to take the class live if you don't receive the link, please email us right away. hello@breathingroomalameda.com

*Link will be emailed as soon as you register. We now have password enabled and are using the Zoom the 'Waiting Room' feature - so sign-in early and just chill til you are let in :)

You can choose to use audio and/or video. Other will be able to see you unless you cover your camera or choose audio only. You will be on mute to start but can un-mute to communicate.