Economic Opportunity Seminar


🎓Welcome Everyone


📚 Learn about:

How to protect your family in life and death using living benefits.

Learn about a great opportunity to create the legacy that you want to leave for your family while also gaining time and financial freedom.

Learn how to potentially create a tax-free retirement!

Did you know that you can use life insurance as a form of mortgage protection?

Earn world class trips to places such as Dubai, Ireland, Scotland and England for FREE!

Learn how to become the leader that you have always known you can be but never had the right opportunity to create the life that you want for yourself and your family.

Learn from experienced leaders in our exclusive and certified training program.


JL Mayfield (Sponsor)

888-308-2088 x800 VA Office

833-623-3327 DC Office

240-242-7380 MD Office

➡️ Text 202.706.8543 for more info. ⬅️

