Edinburgh Climate Café (Online)


Please join us to sit and listen to one another describe the feelings we have about the crises of our ecology.

Climate Cafés are bounded by confidentiality, although they are not therapy sessions. We invite you to take part in a warm, hospitable conversation where you can reflect on your feelings without being bounced into action. This is one way of coping with the challenges facing us all.

This cafe will take place on Zoom Café, so please feel free to have some coffee or cake at home while you meet with us virtually.

More about Edinburgh Climate Café

We are a small group of facilitators based in Edinburgh, Scotland, where we organise in-person events in addition to the ones we run online. We have broad-ranging experience of group facilitation and have received training from the Climate Psychology Alliance to facilitate Climate Cafés.

Some Climate Cafés are organised on a regular basis, or as a series. Ours are intended as one-off, standalone events, not a series (although you are welcome to come to as many as you wish). We organise them around our current availability. Our Eventbrite organiser page contains details of all of the Cafés we currently have planned: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/40125112323

More about this event

This Climate Café is free and anyone aged 18 years and over, from any background, is warmly welcome. Please feel free to share the event with your friends and family.

There is a limit on numbers to ensure space for discussion. If all the spaces are full you may join the waitlist or register your interest in future sessions by writing to us at edinburghclimatecafe@gmail.com

If you can no longer attend the event after booking, please let us know by email or via the 'Tickets' section of your Eventbrite account.

More about Climate Cafés

The concept of a Climate Café as an advice-free space for discussion has been developed and promoted by the Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA) among other groups. You can read CPA member Rebecca Nestor's description of the format here: https://rebeccanestor.co.uk/2020/08/10/what-exactly-is-a-climate-cafe/

If you are looking for more opportunities to join Climate Cafés, we can recommend the ones hosted online by the Climate Psychology Alliance: https://www.climatepsychologyalliance.org/events/500-climate-cafe-jan

Alternatively, you might be able to find some closer to where you are geographically.

[Cover image: A photo of a lake in the Pentlands, the water is sparkling from sun reflection and the sky is clear and blue, with some fluffy clouds hovering over big mountains in the background.]