eLearn Friday Morning Registration


Thank you for your interest in SLCC Adult Education. Our registrations are on Fridays at 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. Please make sure you are choosing the CORRECT registration time.

(morning 9 am or afternoon 1 pm). The date and times are subject to change due to limited seating in the testing lab.

Please note that the registration process will be for TWO sessions.

Please click on and complete the online WorkReady U Intake application at the following link: https://wru-intake.lctcs.edu/Home/Index?code=F4mbPkmkNaU= *

For the question "What types of classes are you interested in?" please be sure to check the "On Campus" box for in-person classes. **PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM ON A DESKTOP OR LAPTOP. YOU MAY EXPERIENCE USER ISSUES WHEN SUBMITTING THE FORM ON A SMARTPHONE AND/OR TABLET.**

Registration and Testing will be located in the Adult Education Suite (glass-windowed suite right across from the elevators and stairwell) on the second floor of the Devalcourt Building.

SLCC Devalcourt Building

320 Devalcourt Street

Lafayette, LA 70506