Elevate EST PRO Info Sessions


Do you have a message the world needs to hear? A story that can change someone’s life?

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to be trained by industry leaders who not only have spoken on stages worldwide, but have made an income doing it.

In these information sessions you will learn from Abe Brown and Connie Jakab EXACTLY HOW this 12 week Masterclass will change your life when it comes to your speaking career. We will go over everything you're going to learn and why this program is an absolute MUST for anyone who wants to speak their message, but also create a business doing it.

Is it possible for you? YES IT IS! Come learn in our info session HOW it's more possible than you think.

There are various dates/times to choose from. If you're ready to say YES to your dream of speaking then pick a date for a free 30 min info session, register, and we will see you there!