Embracing Impermanence, Grief, and Loss - 4 Mindfulness Meditation Classes


Join Carrie Tkaczyk, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and ICF Certified Coach, in her last Practicum Series for her Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. This 4 Part Mindfulness Meditation Series will deepen your relationship with grief, loss, and impermanence. Whether you are grieving the loss of a special person, the end of a career or dream, the realization of your own impermanence, or even the growing climate changes happening to our planet, this series will help you access the complexity of responses and to examine your loss with compassion and wisdom.

Participants will received four themed talks and meditations on grief. They will also be able to process with other participants or use the sharing time to journal write. Each class will end with a Q & A with the instructor and an invitation to meditate though out the week.


  • 4 Classes: Aug 21 & 28, Sept. 11 & 18
  • Times: 4:00-5:30 PT (7-8:30 ET)
  • There will be no class on Labor Day Weekend.
  • When you sign up, you will receive the Zoom Link. Hold onto this link.

Each Session will include:

  • An Introduction where participants may share.
  • An instructor-led talk on each of the topics.
  • A guided meditation around the theme.
  • An opportunity to debrief in structured way in a break room with other members or, if you'd prefer not to share, you can process personally by journal writing.
  • A Q&A section with the instructor.
  • Suggested ways to practice between classes.

Each Session is structured around the theme of Grief:

  • Class One: Giving Witness to Impermanence, Grief, and Loss (Aug. 21)
  • Class Two: Deepening Understanding of Impermanence, Grief, and Loss (Aug. 28)
  • Class Three: The Wise Heart - Cultivating Compassion for Self and Others in Grief (Sept. 11)
  • Class Four: Transformation and Love - The Gifts of Grief (Sept.18)

About the Instructor:

Carrie is finishing up a two year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. She has been actively practicing Mindfulness and Meditation for much of her life, and was fortunate enough to have spent two years living with Buddhists in Nepal in her early twenties. For thirty years she was a proud public school educator and instructional coach. Today she coaches with PDX Coaching and is traveling the Western states with her partner exploring land and culture and writing about it.

Carrie has been drawn to grief work for a long time, but especially after this year where she experienced the loss of her two parents and her partner's father. Having experienced first-hand how difficult it is to find community to grieve with, she wants to share the tools of mindfulness and to bring people together in community to help them process and honor their losses.

Additional Information:

At the end of each class, optional donations will be accepted in the spirit of Dana, an opportunity to cultivate generosity in any amount each participant is inclined to give.

As the end of the four sessions participants will be asked for feedback to support the practicum and to help in the development of these sessions.

Each Session will be recorded and shared with all who have signed up.

In between sessions each participant will receive an email with additional information, such as suggested readings, and an invitation to practice meditation throughout the week.

Embracing Impermanence, Grief, and Loss - 4 Mindfulness Meditation Classes image
Embracing Impermanence, Grief, and Loss - 4 Mindfulness Meditation Classes image