Emotional Regulation Parent & Carer Workshop


Would you like to learn about the importance of emotions and how they can affect your child's mental health and behaviour?

We've partnered with Clarion & A2Dominion housing associations to deliver free, 1-hour parent workshops to support your child's mental health and emotional wellbeing. These sessions will share an overview of Emotional Literacy and Regulation as well as practical strategies that you can use to support your child to understand and manage their emotions.

Why are these skills important?

Emotional Literacy

Emotional literacy is a key skill in helping us to manage our emotions. The earlier that we teach children to be emotionally literate, the more likely they are to be able to effectively manage their feelings. When we are emotionally literate, we are better able to understand the emotions of ourselves and others and communicate these. Without emotional literacy we would not be able to express our emotions and would be confused by the feelings of others.

Emotional Regulation

We all experience a wide range of emotions, both positive and negative. Emotional regulation is the ability to manage our emotions so that we do not become overwhelmed by them. Because we are all different, some people will find it easier to regulate their emotions than others. However, it’s important to remember that we can all struggle to regulate sometimes! Emotional regulation is a key skill because our emotions are closely linked to how we think and behave. If we learn strategies to regulate our emotions, we are less likely to act impulsively and make the wrong choices.

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