Enchanted Meditation w/Sound, Fire & Reiki-SACRAL CHAKRA 417MGH


Join me this Friday!

Have available with you, a pen and paper to write on.

Amplify your desires with the elements of Sound Healing with 417 Mega Hertz, Fire, & Spirit.

Imagine receiving distant reiki with healing frequencies, while meditating!! That's pretty bad-a** if you ask me and I we are diving into the SACRAL CHAKRA (Svadhisthana) which vibrates with 417 Hertz healing frequency.

What is 417 Hertz sound therapy associated with?

It's associated with:

  • Remove Negative Energy from the Home and Office
  • Remove Negative Thoughts and Behavior Patterns
  • Undo Situations with Negative Outcome
  • Facilitates Change in you and others
  • Helps To Come out of Trauma
  • Balances and Heals the Sacral Chakra

Let the powerful frequency of 417 Hertz vibrate and tune your sacral chakra, clear away negativity, blockages and Emotions. This includes a guided meditation and sound bath, along with distant reiki.

We will start with setting our intentions , writing them out (worksheet provided), or in any way you feel is convenient. You may also choose to purchase a chime to go along with your meditation, which is optional. The Ceremony of fire (lighting of your chime(s) ) will precede the meditation. We will end our meditation with one complimentary and insightful Q&A (intuitive reading) by me.

OPTIONAL: After purchase, there is an option to fill out a confidential typeform wherein you can list the issues you are focusing on. I will pay special attention to those items as I send distant reiki your way.