
This class explores the use of doTERRA’s essential oils to support the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of intimacy and connection with self and others.

Too often individuals struggle with clear and open communication, vulnerability, and being honest and true to our authentic feelings and emotions. Especially when it comes to sex and romantic relationships. Whether you are single, or in a romantic relationship, this class will benefit you. Shame, guilt, trauma, fear, negative beliefs and lack of self love and body confidence are some of the challenges which can be addressed with the use of doTERRA's essential oils.

With sex being an expression of intimacy, we will explore the use and benefits of essential oils to raise libido, arousal levels, lower stress, heighten sensual and sexual pleasure, and elevate mood. Oil recipes, tips, and tricks to spice up romance and stimulate energetic orgasms will also be shared.

Sexual energy is the most powerful and healing energy in the body. When we connect our hearts with our sexuality, we activate our natural "life force" energy. When we add essential oils to the mix, pleasure, mood, and relaxation is enhanced.

Whether triggered or excited by any or all of this, this is the class for you, as there are oils to support you. Men and women are welcome to attend this class, singles, and couples too!