EVOLVE- Women's Circle


Take a deep breath in….

Start to Imagine a SAFE SPACE provided especially for you to grow, connect and heal with like-minded women.

Where you can bloom beyond your limiting beliefs and embrace true womanhood, true sisterhood.

Where you aren't judged or criticized, but respected and valued.

Where you can come to release what is no longer authentic to you.

Where you can relax, restore, and rejuvenate yourself, without feeling guilty.

Where you can have open conversations about challenges that women face.

Where you can express who you truly are without feeling ashamed.

Where you are embraced and celebrated for all that you are, and all that you will become.

Let’s take a moment to really embody this deeply… Can you envision this? Can you feel the power in this circle? Can you fully believe that you are worthy of all of this and so much more?


As a society, we are raised with the opposite beliefs, with limiting beliefs and “rules” of how we should “be or do.”

This has caused many traumatic events and triggers to ourselves & women as a whole.

So… let's take a stand and re-create a world where we break through the glass ceiling and build a connection with one another & evolve together. When we choose to evolve, we inspire & create a ripple effect for all of those around us as well. We create not only healing for us and our future generations, but also for those in our lineage. Let's set this intention of evolution for women. A safe space for us to all bloom beyond our limits.

We’ve come together to create this special, intimate space for you to come and BE all of you and celebrate each other for continuously doing the work & showing up for yourself.

We feel that this is a birthright of all women, and should be accessible to you no matter what, therefore, we are making this women’s circle donation-based. All of the money raised will continue to go towards the monthly circles for costs like rental fees, supplies, etc.

This means that there are no excuses. Nothing holding you back from creating this powerful shift for you & all the women standing before & after you.


- First Wednesday of every month @ 6:30-8:30 P.M. MST

- Location: TBA (Salt Lake City area or online)

- After you register, donations can be made by Venmo to Msjennychant (please note it as Evolve) or by clicking on the link in her bio on Instagram titled "Love Donations".

We hope you can join us for this powerful, healing experience! Spaces are limited, so please register in advance, thank you! If you have any questions, please reach out to us. We look forward to connecting, healing and evolving together!

 <3 Crystal & Jenny


Crystal @thecreationcafe | Your Mindful Mentor

Jenny @msjennychant | Your Spiritual Mentor