Fairfield Osborne Preserve Sudden Oak Death Education + Spring Wildflowers


Join us for a journey across this varied and abundant landscape while learning about SOD biology and hosts, history, ecology, current state of the field, and what you can do to help protect our native oaks, while also keeping an eye out for the abundance of striking wildflowers that appear at Osborn Preserve each spring.

This hike will be lead by Kerry Wininger, Sudden Oak Death Program Coordinator for UCCE Sonoma County, Ruthie Saia, Certified Fairfield Osborn and California Naturalist, as well as SOD specialist and UC Master Gardener Program for Sonoma County, Alan Chesterman!

Plan to hike moderate to strenuous steep trails, 1 mile with a 200 foot elevation gain, and up to 3.5 miles with 500 foot elevation gain.

Prepare for an adventure through shady oak woodlands and sunny grasslands with ticks and insects, poison oak, and uneven terrain.

Please wear sturdy shoes, bring a snack, water, Hat/sun protection, dress in layers.

You will be asked to sign a liability waiver upon your arrival.

No dogs or smoking are permitted.

Phone reception is poor on the mountain.

**Please be on time as the gate will be locked at 1:45.**

Directions from Cotati: East on East Cotati Road, Right on Petaluma Hill Road, Left on Roberts Road, Right on Lichau, follow nearly to the end, please drive carefully, narrow lumpy roads. Turn right at the wooden Fairfield Osborn Preserve sign through the gate into the parking lot. **Please be on time as the gate will be locked at 1:45.**

*Sonoma County has more sudden oak death (SOD) than any other area in California, with new outbreaks still appearing. Osborn Preserve is home to majestic oak woodlands along with 8 other plant communities, including dozens of native species that are susceptible to this devastating forest disease. Osborn Preserve is the location where SOD was first confirmed in the county in 2019, hosted the first fully bilingual (English and Spanish) SOD blitz citizen science event in the state last spring, and continues to be a hot bed of SOD research and educational activities.*

SSU-CEI - COVID-19 Safety Requirements:

Do not attend if you test positive for COVID-19 or have any symptoms. SSU requires that you must properly wear a mask indoors (e.g., education center, carpooling to or from the preserve), and outdoors when a six-foot physical distance between persons cannot be maintained, even if you are vaccinated. Bandanas, gaiters or vented masks are not suitable. We will spend all of our time outdoors. All SSU updated guidelines can be found at http://covid19.sonoma.edu/


Ruthie Saia, CNPS Plant Walks Chair

email: milobakerevents@gmail.com

Kerry Wininger (707)888-5616