Fairhaven Mtg 21 Day Fitness Challenge


It’s only 30 minutes a day. You got this! Challenge yourself with us on a new 30-minute workout every day.

Registration is $100

1St Prize will be awarded to the participant with the person who is most improved their level of fitness

2nd Prize: One Year membership for an online fitness platform to keep your progress moving forward

3rd Prize: 30 day supply of Shakeology, a nutritional drink that aids your body to function better and feel better.

If you show up in person to excercise, you will get a Shakeology drink to help curb hunger, provide essential vitamins you don’t get in pills.


7 unique workouts you repeat over 21 days and 6 bonus workouts.

Exercises meet up will be in person on site with us at Fairhaven Mortgage. Workouts will be in our Collaboration High-Tech and Spacious Conference room or join us on Zoom ( link provided after sign up)


Receive food list (very liberal list)

Exercise calendar

Tracking checklist

Food portion cups

Resistance bands



Pre start date will be live on August 17, 2022 at 6PM to get us all started on the same path. TAKE YOUR “BEFORE” PHOTOS AND MEASUREMENTS at Fairhaven Mtg. Challenge starts August 22nd end Sept 12th

PLUS Private Group invitation for peer support

Accountability with other participants and a private FB Group to help you succeed.

When you mark yourself as going, we will send a link to pay the entry.

This event is Sponsored by Fairhaven Mortgage NMLS #2348888 and HHI Home Inspection & Pest Control

Fairhaven Mtg 21 Day Fitness Challenge image