Fierce & Fit: Online Girls and Women's Self-defense Class - NOV 2021


Fierce and Fit: We’re Bringing the Training to You!

If you are looking to embark on self-improvement, stay fit while stuck at home, or want a refresher course in self-defense, consider taking our Fierce and Fit: Self-defense and Martial Arts Movement course. This online course is donation-based and is taught by two seasoned female Martial Artists.

The class is designed for all levels of experience, and the techniques can be learned solo or with a training partner! We’ve been teaching through Zoom since the pandemic started and we’ve become effective at sharing self-defense this way.

Fierce and Fit is a full-body workout that will have you moving. Students will learn core self-defense movements of our Girls and Women's Self-Defense program. The class integrates awareness strategies and lessons in physical self-defense techniques.

Fierce and Fit class includes the following areas of focus:

*Stretching/Warm-up: Get loose and get ready

*Awareness Strategies and Tips: valuable safety tips and strategies to help you avoid the fight before it starts.

*Physical Self-defense: a series of simple highly effective physical self-defense techniques for the most common attack situations women encounter, ranging from being pushed or pulled, cornered, grabbed by the wrist and hair, pinned to the ground by a bigger and stronger attacker.


WHEN: Saturday, November 20, 12pm-1pm PST


COST: Free, Donation Accepted

WHO CAN ATTEND: Self-identified female ages 9+. No experience necessary. Techniques taught in class can be done solo or with a partner .

WHAT TO WEAR: Comfortable yoga clothing. Movements should be done barefoot or in athletic shoes, indoors or outdoors.

NOTES:**Before starting any exercise program, it is recommended that you consult your physician. You agree that you are voluntarily participating in this on-line training entirely at your own risk and assume all risks of injury, illness, or death. You agree to hold the creators of this on-line training program and all instructors harmless. When you register for the class you are assuming the risks associated with any and all activities and/or exercises in which you are participating.