First Time Story Slam San Diego


First Time Story Slam San Diego

What is a First Time Story Slam?

A First Time Story Slam is a storytelling competition where people have 5 minutes to share a first time story based on the theme provided. The theme for this event is Food Firsts.

All stories told will be about food first such as: first time eating a type of cuisine, first time cooking, baking, canning or making a food from scratch or using a cooking method or kitchen applicance, first time getting food poisoning or food allergy, or first time doing a food tour or food related activity, etc.

It is an Open Mic format, meaning the storytellers will be selected the night of the event so anyone can take to the stage and share a story. You will need to signup upon arrival and let us know the title/theme of your story so we can verify it fits the theme of the Slam.

There will be a total of 10 storytellers and each will have 5 minutes to share their stories. The stories will be evaluated by three judges based on the criteria established in the How to Become a (First Time) Storyteller book. Prizes will be awarded to the top three storytellers.

Members of the audience will get to experience the power of personal storytelling and get to know the storytellers who take to the stage!

All attendees will get to collect our POAP. Each event will have a unique POAP with a special link!

Learn more about personal storytelling at First Time Storytelling

A POAP (Proof Of Attendance Protocol) are exclusive Ethereum-based NFT badges given to you for participating or attending special events. It's a new way of keeping a reliable record of life experiences.