FL Concealed Carry Licensing Class (CWFL / CCW)


Our Concealed Carry Licensing Class prepares you for the responsibility of getting a concealed carry license. This is a comprehensive course that exceeds Florida’s training requirements. While many places offer a “Florida Concealed Carry” course for less, they won’t teach you more. Don’t be fooled. This course is routinely a $100+ class! TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE! Simply click on ticket link to secure your seat for class now! We limit class size to enhance your experience and ensure we have enough materials, ammunition, equipment on hand.

ALL inclusive class fee is only $65. Safety is constantly emphasized but students also learn about mindset, important laws, recommended training, having a legal/financial plan, interacting with police and firing a gun. Each student fires a gun as well as uses laser training devices to practice important shooting skills.

Students receive a training certificate, detailed instructions to apply for their license, a take home packet and discounted pricing on all future training (check out our schedule and course subjects!). We will send an email with classroom number to confirm your seat.