Foundations For Change Disabled Employee Focus Groups


Breakthrough UK, Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People and Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership are working towards a framework for a set of Disabled People's Workplace Standards. These standards should support all Disabled people and people with long-term health conditions to be the best they can be and receive the best they can within the workplace.

These standards should and will be made with the input of disabled people and people with long-term health conditions. This is why we are holding these focus groups.

These focus groups are intended for employees of Greater Manchester's Health and Social Care organisations and Local Authorities, who are disabled or have long-term health conditions.

Anyone within those workplaces who identifies as such is free to attend.

Links to focus groups for Managers of disabled people and students of UoM can be found below.

Closed captions will be available at all sessions where possible.

Focus groups designed specifically for Deaf/deaf people or those with hearing loss can be found here.

Focus groups designed specifically for Neurodivergent people can be found here.

Manager's focus groups are here.

Student's Focus groups are here.

For further information please email: