
FOUR GUNS FOR WOMEN - LET'S GO SHOPPING! brings you the top 4 firearms women tend to purchase, all in one private range session. Before you make your first firearm purchase as a new shooter, or make an additional firearm purchase as a seasoned shooter, it's always best to try before you buy! Just like slipping our foot into those beautiful heels we MUST have, those that are the hot name brand for this moment in time....we need to do the same with our firearms...slip our hands around that grip, and see how it it fits our petite hand(s), can we control and manipulate it properly...and SAFELY, can we handle the recoil, does it have the reputation to go "bang" every time the trigger is pulled (our life is depending on that!). While you are "trying on each firearm for size and fit" we'll also work on proper grip, loading/unloading, sight alignment/picture, trigger press, most importantly SAFETY! Your Certified and experienced, female instructor during this private range session will help guide you through the differences, the pros, the cons of each firearm.

The 4 firearms provided in this private range session are Sig Sauer P365, Glock 43, Glock 19, Smith & Wesson Shield. Do you have another firearm in mind? Let us know. We might have that one available to try as well! Don't have your own eye and ear protection, and targets yet? We provide those for use during class. Range fee and ammo is included in class. Range session is 1 hr (we don't watch the clock counting every minute!).

Save your self the time and extra money by repeated firearm, eye pro, hearing pro rentals, and target and ammo purchases by diving in to this "Let's Go Shopping!" range session to start your firearm ownership and training journey! You'll walk away more confident in what it is you're looking for for your self defense/concealed carry choice.

Have questions about this, or any other women's self defense content classes/training we offer? Please contact Denise Rodriguez at

We also offer ALL our women's self defense content in group settings, Girl's Night In House Party, corporate, places of worship. Contact us for more information! Women raising each other up....