Free Empowerment Circle with Permission to Be Enchanting


Does your current reality feel overwhelmed, numb, or stuck?

Would you like to get back on track and prioritize your well-being?

Do you crave in-person connections with a small group of women?

What if you could learn new ways to feel calm, release stress, add pleasure and confidence back into your life? What if you learned how to slow down and self nurture yourself more. How could your life be different?

This is a free taster session and introduction to Clare and Rachel, hosts of the podcast Permission to be Enchanting where we are on a mission to help people reclaim their midlife sexuality.

We warmly invite you to attend just this free taster session as a stand-alone event or come along to the short, paid afternoon session the same day to build on what you learn. (Click on the organiser details to see information for the other events!)

Then on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th from 11am - 4pm go deeper and make it E.P.I.C.

  • Embodiment
  • Pleasure
  • Inner Work
  • Confidence

Friday 10th June 11am - 4pm:

EMBODIMENT: How much aliveness you feel depends on your ability to live fully in your body, not just your thoughts. We will practice breathwork, guided imagery and movement exercises that support connecting to your body and its wisdom. You will learn how to complete the stress cycle in your body, how to invite healing energy into your body and circulate it for nourishment.

PLEASURE: Then we will experience a lovely pleasure activation ritual. The rest of the day we will use our five senses to maximize our ability to acknowledge, receive, ask for and enjoy pleasure. We will look at common ways that many of us block or put upper limits on our pleasure.

Saturday 11th June 11am - 4pm

INNER WORK: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate” -Carl Jung. This is our day to meet, hold and nurture our inner child. We will also meet and listen to our inner critic. Lastly, we will invite in our empowering inner advisor to add balance and perspective. We use guided meditations, journaling, and breathwork to access our inner characters.

CONFIDENCE: Then we raise our confidence levels together as we push past our fears of not being enough….good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough, young enough, etc. After a fun little emotional purge and dance party and trying on confident female archetypes, Rachel will capture your beaming confident self with her magical photography skills, so that you have a professional photo to capture the day and help you remember just how radiant you are!

About Clare and Rachel

Clare Sente, MS, LMT is a Female Empowerment and Intimacy Coach in Chicago, Illinois and the owner of Empowered Enchantress. She is a licensed massage therapist, nutrition educator and author. Clare has been creating and facilitating wellness workshops for over thirty years. Known for her vulnerability and authenticity about her own struggles being a chronic people pleaser, she loves to create space for healing using empowerment, connection with nature, play, and sacred sharing circles. She lives her spiritual path by speaking her truth and inspiring women to prioritize themselves.

Rachel Watson is an empowerment photographer who works with women to help them step into their innate beauty and power. For over 12 years Rachel has been encouraging women to see and love their bodies just as they are now. She uses her wealth of experience and a whole lot of love to create a space where you become the priority, balancing all the ways you put others first and bringing out an opportunity to be the most important person in your own story. Her own personal path to find deep love for self and in her marriage brought Clare into her life, and she's grateful every day it did!

Who are these workshops for?

This workshop is for you if you:

  • Enjoy self development & female empowerment
  • Enjoy women’s circles
  • Are open and curious about learning
  • Want to feel more joy and vibrancy
  • Read books like Wild Woman Way by Michaela Boehm and Burn Out by Emilie & Amelia Nagoski

Free Empowerment Circle with Permission to Be Enchanting image
Free Empowerment Circle with Permission to Be Enchanting image
Free Empowerment Circle with Permission to Be Enchanting image