Free In-Person Event | Manifesting A World Without Prejudice


Is it possible for a world to exist without prejudice? Can we even envision it? And are there spiritual truths that can play a part in helping us work towards it?

Prejudice can be created in many different ways. It can happen when our brains register and catalogue experiences in an effort to understand a situation in a split second. It can happen as a result of images and messages in the media or witnessing the treatment of people in the world around us. And because of these and so many other reasons, we end up labeling “others” over time, assigning them characteristics that can be hard to shed. But are there ways to counteract this both as individuals and as a society? What if we course-correct and start from a belief in the inherent oneness of humanity, a belief that all people are noble in essence and equal in worth, not just as a moral principle but as a spiritual reality? Can we reshape our thoughts to reflect these spiritual truths? How can we change our actions to make this world vision a reality? And what everyday spiritual qualities will we need to develop to help us in this process?

Come join a different kind of conversation – one that welcomes every perspective in a search for the truths that unite us all – as we discuss the spiritual perspective offered by the Bahá’í Teachings on the elimination of all forms of prejudice. Please join us for a lively discussion as we explore the essential oneness of humanity and how we can put that into practice.

“We must lay aside all prejudice—whether it be religious, racial, political or patriotic; we must become the cause of the unification of the human race.” – Bahá’í Teachings

***This event is free and open to all regardless of background or belief. Donations will not be accepted.