Free Reiki Share for Practitioners Only with Gina Duffy


The Reiki Share is open to anyone that has been initiated into any level of Reiki, no matter where you were Attuned. Community is the core foundation that holds us together. This gathering is an opportunity to come together and collaborate to hone subtleties of energy.

The next Reiki Share will be October 12th 6pm Please RSVP if attending, as I need to set the room to accommodate the practitioners. The exchange for this gathering is donation based. All that's collected will go to the Moon Goddess Studio in gratitude for sharing this space.

About Moon Goddess:

An ethereal atmosphere among the crystals, moon and stars, our high vibrational sacred space is unlike any other. The pink and purple moonlike epoxy floor is infused with Shungite crystals for a unique energetic experience.

Shungite energizes the body, cleanses your aura of negative energies and infuses it with light. It promotes healing, aids in manifesting and spiritual ascension. It is also produces an electromagnetic field and shields EMF waves. Shungite is a stone with a strong connection to the Earth, which makes it a good aid for grounding. It has a strong mystical energy. It will assist with magical and mystical practices. It’s deep primordial energy embodies energies of ancient spirits. The grounding and protective energies of Shungite make it a very powerful stone.

Due to occupancy regulations and high demand, all participants must purchase entry online. No walk-ins at this time. Please bring own yoga mat. Equipment is not being shared at this time to adhere to current health regulations.

By participating in the class and purchasing this admission you agree that you will adhere to health regulations.

You agree you have not had a fever or respiratory symptoms within the last 14 days.

You agree you have not traveled within 14 days.

You agree you have not had contact with any persons confirmed positive or pending COVID-19 Results.