Free Trivia! Thursdays at Broken Timbers Brewing Co. @7pm


Free-to-play trivia every Thursday at 7pm

Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places!!!

Because what could be better after a long, hard day of work than taking five back-to-back tests for which you have not prepared?

About Thinky Drinky:

Do you know the circumference of the Sun? You don't? That's ok because that's not one of our trivia questions but we do have lots of other trivia questions you will probably know. In the spirit of fun and drink, we host trivia events at Bars/Pubs/Breweries around the Orange County area that is FREE to play and awards prizes for 1st, 2nd, & sometimes 3rd places.

Free Trivia!  Thursdays at Broken Timbers Brewing Co. @7pm image