From Self-Sabotage to Success



Anytime you delay or prolong the successful achievement of a meaningful goal or anytime you undo your successful results that’s self-sabotage.


Self-sabotage is an unconscious behaviour, a program.

The programs that we run for walking, driving, cooking, being respectful, being kind, being successful, have been learned through repetition and stored at the unconscious level.

Yes, there may have been a conscious volition at first to learn how to do them, however, now we do them automatically, without thinking about it.

Similarly, we do everything else in life.

So, whether it is:

👉a bad habit, such as binge eating, smoking, drinking, going to bed too late

👉an unresourceful state, such as procrastination, irritation, anxiety, getting angry

👉an un-pleasant situation in life, such as a pattern of financial problems, or bad relationships, or weight issues

These habits and behaviours are held in your neurology by networks of neurons wired together, through repetition, and easily accessible by your Unconscious.

And until you learn how to change your programming at the unconscious level, no matter what you do, consciously, to try and change an unwanted habit and behaviour, it won’t matter.


1️⃣ Indecision

You are not able to make a decision and you are not able to stick with your decision once you've made it, you are whoosh-whashy about it, you go back and forth, you keep changing the rules of the game and you aren’t taking consistent action in creating the results you want.

2️⃣ Doubts

So, you probably made a decision, yet you feel uncertain about it and you are worried and doubtful about whether your plan or goal or dream is possible. Your inner voice is critical and doubtful and even punishing. And you feel not good enough, you feel like an impostor, you feel not ready yet, you feel undeserving or unworthy. Maybe you’re beating yourself up or worry too much about what others think of you and your actions.

3️⃣ Procrastination

So you get all excited about your goal but, you keep postponing it or never start it. You do not follow through with your decision. You can’t find the motivation to do the things you want to do, or you lose your motivation easily.

And everything you are doing feels like an uphill battle with your willpower.

When you are self-sabotaging you distract yourself with activities that do not support your goals, instead they waste your time, your energy, your health and your money, such as binge eating, or wasting time in front of the TV or scrolling mindlessly on social media.

These are the sort of things that bring you instant gratification and put a band-aid on the bigger problem.


In my experience of helping people move from self-sabotage to success, what I found works the fastest, is to get to the 👉ROOT CAUSE👈 of self-sabotage in the first place.

And that root cause is at the unconscious level.

Self-sabotage comes from the incongruence between your conscious mind (how you THINK about something) and your unconscious mind (how you FEEL about that same thing).

✨️✨️✨️Imagine a carriage with two horses, and the carriage is your goal, something you want to achieve, and one horse is your conscious mind (the way you think about that goal) and the other horse is your unconscious mind (the way you feel about that goal).

If one horse pulls to the right and the other horse pulls to the left, where is your carriage going?✨️✨️✨️

During this event learn about:

✅️VALUES the driving force behind everything you DO or DON'T DO in life

✅️MOTIVATION, which, btw, has nothing to do with your willpower

✅️CONSCIOUS-UNCONSCIOUS INTEGRATION: how to align what you THINK with how you FEEL about a goal and achieve CONGRUENCE (agreement to work together).

So, if you want to:

👉 obliterate procrastination and self-doubts

👉 be able to make a decision and stick with it

👉 achieve your goals, easily and effortlessly

Join this FREE event where you learn how specifically YOU self-sabotage.

DISCLAIMER: this event is NOT yet another motivational talk. many of those motivational books, and talks, and events, and podcasts have you read, and attended and listened to?

How is it that you still self-sabotage?

How is it that you still live in fear, in pain and in scarcity?

How is it that you still don’t have the life you want?

This event is the creator of THAT MOTIVATION they were all talking about.

WARNING: The event is jam-packed with experiential processes and it may lead to a personal breakthrough.

So, if you feel there is more to life than this struggle, this fear, this pain, if you feel you have had enough and you are now ready to step outside your comfort zone, then we invite you join this FREE event and experience the SHIFT for yourself.

Book Your FREE Ticket NOW.

See you there!