Full Moon Circle with Allison Brunner


Align with the great cosmic exhale and release what’s ready to shed. Claim the lessons from the first-half of the moon cycle, and express gratitude for your blessings. Celebrate your accomplishments and claim your personal power. Mark the cycles and shifts in energies and seasons. Hold space for the like-hearted and feel supported by others. Learn from the ancient wisdom of the stars. Circles include opening of sacred space, shared stories and experiences, uplifting song, guided exercises and contemplation, journaling, fire ceremony, and more.

Join us for this potentially life-changing event! ***In the event of rain, we will still host the event on the next clear night within a 2-day period.** We will keep in good communication should the date need to change. Please dress for the weather and bring a blanket/chair, and pen & journal.

Full Moon Circle with Allison Brunner image

Allison Brunner guides old souls, empaths, and the highly sensitive through journeys of personal transformation, rebirth, and awakening. A somatic psychotherapist for 15 years, she now incorporates shamanic energy healing, sacred ceremony and ritual, shadow work, and intuitive guidance into her one-on-one work with clients from around the world and since 2015 has been apprenticing to her own shamanic guide in the lineages of the medicine peoples of the Q’ero of the high Andes of Peru, the Kallahuayas of the Lake Titcaca region of Peru, and others. She is committed to bringing together and holding space for the visionaries and creators of the New Earth in service to Love, Peace, and Harmony and believes that the days of light bearers going it alone are a thing of the past. After spending most of her life engaged in her own inner work and emotional healing, she fearlessly sits with fellow humans in their dark spaces and teaches people how to self-empower, embody their highest selves, and anchor heaven to earth.