Full Moon Healing Ceremony


This 75 minute ceremony will meet you in the comfort of your own home where I will guide the group through creating a sacred ceremonial space, chat about the current energies, pull some cards for personal messages and do a guided group energy healing session for release.

All you need to do is find a space you can tune in on your phone or laptop. You will be able to see me- but your video will not be on so others won't be able to see you. We will all be connected energetically and you are welcome to participate in the chat during the live ceremony.

The ceremony will be recorded for those that cannot attend live and emailed to all attendees shortly after through a private youtube link that will be up for one week after the ceremony. Please do not share this link as the channeled energy healing is specific to the group of people that signed up.

Cut off time to sign up is 6:30 pm PST on 7/13 so I can prep all the names for the energy work.

***Zoom login and ceremony info will be in automated confirmation email after you sign up***