Full Moon: Strengthen your intuition & Seek Truth


Full Moons are great opportunities to do focused energy, emotional and mental work. It is said that whatever vibration you hold gets magnified. Therefore whatever is hidden or suppressed in your consciousness can be clarified and dealt with it.

The Journey:

This is the Sturgeon moon in Aquarius, the 8th full moon of the year in which untangles, releases and reveals truth. Whatever you have been hoping to know more about will come forth. Not only about others, but about yourself too. Seeing your own truth is necessary to truly manifest and tame your ego.

There is a desire within that is now choosing to know what is really the truth, beyond the analytical mind, but understand the mysteries of your karma, your destiny, your path.

Let your heart and mind unite to be fearless in knowing what is needed and having a clean break.

This full moon will bring in changes, some you might like, some you won't but they are all for your well-being and aligning you with your destiny. So be gentle with yourself!

With these changes an inner rebel can arise in which there is a longing for freedom and not binding to the past nor the karmic baggage. Expect getting unmasked and unmasking others.

The key question to ask yourself this full moon is: Am I ready to see the truth?

Crystals to use this full moon: moldavite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, clear quartz (choose the one you are drawn to)

The Process:

You will be connected to the highest energetic existence called Zero Point/God's eye/Infinite Source/Creator

You will do conscious connected breathing for 30 mins

You will experience energy healing through activations & deactivations

You will receive reflective questions to help you integrate this energy till the next full moon.

What you need:

pen and paper

your crystal to charge with the full moon energy/intention

comfortable space to lie down

tea light candle or a candle you choose to use only for this full moon

sage/palo santo

*new get a glass of water to energize it during the session with the intention and to later put it under the full moon to drink the morning after.

Note: Please arrive 5-10 mins before the session begins and ensure you will not be disturbed. The session will be recorded and sent to you within 24 hours. If you can't attend the event, don't worry since you will receive the recording.

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About Maria

Maria Leonard is a Spiritual Growth Coach, Breathwork Facilitator, an Intuitive Speaker and the founder of Life Scripting; a Holistic Healing and Manifestation Modality. She is passionate about bridging spirituality and science and teaching others self-mastery. During her one-to-one sessions and workshops, she combines the art of Breathwork, Energy Activations, Intuitive Guidance from the Akashic Records and coaching and meditation training. By using her intuitive gift, healing abilities and vast knowledge she helps you see what’s holding you back in life and gives you the tools to rescript your life’s blueprint in order to manifest your heart’s desires and accomplish your soul’s purpose.

@iammarialeonard | facebook/marialeonard108

Full Moon: Strengthen your intuition &  Seek Truth image