Fundraising Charcoal Drawing Event "Supportive Sun


Explore the fun of Drawing and Customizing with Charcoal Expressions.

"Supportive Sunflower"

We are fundraising for Sunflower of Peace who provide medical and humanitarian aid that will be used by the paramedics and doctors in the areas that are affected by the violence in Ukraine.

NO Drawing Experience required. Go from Stick Figure to this with step by step instruction by Artist Robert Gorder. All you need is your creativity and open mind, all supplies for the event are provided by Charcoal Expressions.

Included with the event you will take home your masterpiece charcoal drawing, a matte, and a protective sleeve. Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to event starting to check in, explore the Venues fine selection of food and drinks, if available and take care of the bill.

Please register in advance. You may choose to prepay on the site or choose the option that you will be paying Cash the night of the event.

Get a chance to win a Free ticket - Drawing will take place at the event with 10 or more guests.