Gender, Power, and Decolonizing Research


“Research for social justice expands and improves the conditions for justice; it is an intellectual, cognitive and moral project, often fraught, never complete, but worthwhile”

― Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples

Global movements like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter have reignited calls for social justice in international development. Many donors and non-governmental organizations are responding but still struggle to address systemic inequality and decolonize their work. Development research can be a critical tool in these efforts. Reimagining systems and fostering equality and social justice requires us to ask: How can we decolonize research and disrupt unequal gender and power relations? How can the research process itself be transformative and an opportunity for co-liberation? What practical tools and steps facilitate power sharing? How can research, like gender analyses, be used to advance decolonization and social justice?

Join the virtual webinar for a thought-provoking conversation with researchers, social justice advocates, and development practitioners as we discuss examples and practical ways forward.


Yeva Avakyan, Senior Managing Director, Gender Equality and Social Justice, Save the Children US


Rosario Galarza - Intersectionalities Officer, International Disability Alliance

Dr. Rosemary Morgan – Associate Scientist, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

Catherine Nyambura - International Development Expert

Njeri Kimotho - Gender Equality & Social Inclusion Expert and International Policy Advisor

Teresa Thomson – Gender Equality & Social Inclusion Expert

Dr. Krista Bywater – Senior Advisor, Gender Equality and Social Justice, Save the Children US

Select Speaker Contributions:

  • Save the Children, Gender & Power Analysis Guidance,
  • UN Women and UNPRPD, Intersectionality Resource Guide and Toolkit,
  • World Health Organization, Incorporating Intersectional Gender Analysis into Research on Infectious Diseases of Poverty - A Toolkit for Health Researchers,
  • Cynara Training, Intersectional Gender Analysis Plus: A Step-by-Step Process to Facilitating Social Justice, Gender Transformation and Institutional Social Change,
  • Gender & Development, Repoliticising Women’s Rights in Development: Young African Feminisms at the Cutting Edge,


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