Gentle Yin Restorative Yoga for Cancer Thrivers


This is a gentle restorative yin yoga class for individuals affected by cancer. It is beautifully soul enriching and invites an opportunity for you to receive respite, relaxation, and nurturing renewal.

You do not have to have previous experience in yoga to participate in this class. Restorative yin simply offers you the opportunity to surrender by allowing the earth and props to be the support you need.

Restorative Yin is a combination of two types of yoga that are designed to calm the fight-flight system and activate a relaxation response. Poses are supported with a variety of props and participants are asked to “melt” into a posture for up to three minutes. Research shows that by participating in this type of class on weekly basis, one can bring balance to the nervous system, decrease stress, and reduce anxiety related energy.

To support this class and its collaboration with Moving Beyond Cancer Collaborative, please consider making a donation to: