GI-ACE Weekly Series: Jacqueline Klopp


This week, GI-ACE academic Jacqueline Klopp, with her colleagues Brian Barasa, Busara Center and David Orega, Sauti East Africa will present findings on corruption, gender and small-scale traders in East Africa.

Starting in November, each ACE research team will share how their research projects have aligned with the founding principles of the GI-ACE programme: developing anti-corruption interventions that are problem-focused, politically viable, have engaged practitioners throughout the research process, and provided avenues through which to measure the effects of the reforms.

On January 27, Jacqueline Klopp, Brian Barasa and David Orega will present on the GI_ACE project that seeks to answer the questions: What can mobile phone based data tell us about corruption, gender and small-scale cross-border trade? How must policy and programming change to address the specific problems with corruption faced by small-scale traders?

Register for the event series now!

GI-ACE Weekly Series: Jacqueline Klopp image