Goddess Church: New Moon Ceremony


Do you feel rudderless in this murky season?

Are you seeking direction & hope in this time of uncertainty and unrest and confusion? Goddess Church is a safe sacred place where we open up to look within and allow our path to be illuminated.

Goddess Church is for women who are exhausted, who are juggling a million things, and don’t have time for themselves. Especially in a pandemic (amirite), back to school, back to work, distance learning, distance meetings, zoom after zoom, feeling unsupported, and alone, lonely, sad, broken and exhausted!

Goddess Church is a virtual space to come together and connect with like-minded women:

  • to take a pause
  • to take a breath
  • to be nourished
  • to be guided
  • to allow yourself time and space

to check in with your truth what you truly want need and desire in order to ask your family your partners, your coworkers and the universe for what you want and need

You, Goddess, deserve to have what you want and need...period.

Goddess Church New Moon provides:


What other goddesses are saying about Goddess Church

"Goddess Church is my medicine! It is the only way I am able to face being at the hospital" - Tamika, Nurse/ Frontline Worker

"Goddess Church has been invaluable to me. Gathering each moon and greeting my fellow goddesses and centering in meditation and sharing goals for self-development has been a really important part of keeping me centered and positive during this phase of the covid era and I think that is also gave me an opportunity to zoom inside, my purpose & my joy are recalibrated so that I can really go out and make some magic." - Susan Music Executive

"This is butt in seat spirituality - All I have to do is show up. How ever I am in the moment and I am ALWAYS transformed." - Ann TV Executive Producer

"I literally have an AHA moment every moon ceremony. I won't miss even one!" - Rachelle, Online Gaming Executive

"The clarity I received in the moon ceremony lead me to my dream product launch." - Ashley California Love Water

Goddess Church is Facilitated by Amber J. Lawson

Amber J Lawson is a master mindset coach for women who want to uplevel their joy, step into their power, and transform their life. As a powerhouse Entrepreneur and Evocator, Amber J created and founded Goddess Process, a conscious company for women to explore their gifts and innate wisdom within an experiential learning environment.

As part of Amber J’s vision for peace on earth within her lifetime and her mission to do good at scale, she is also the founder and CEO of Good Amplified, and co-founder and CEO of Comedy Gives Back. She has been at the cutting edge of the digital landscape, honored as Entrepreneur of the Year by Cynopsis Women in Digital, Top 50 Women in Digital, PGA Top 25 in Digital, and the NATPE Luminary Award as a Digital Media Maven.

Amber J is a sought-after speaker at corporations and events, she hosts webinars and intensive masterminds, and she creates clarity and accountability for her community and private coaching clients with their life-fulfilling goals and inspiration to achieve them. Amber J shares her life-by-design with her 8-year-old pug named Leo J Tolstoy Lawson #puglife, and her favorite color is hot pink (obviously!)

Goddess Church is a non-religious virtual series that taps into the power of the moon cycle to ignite a community of supportive women from around the world with access to connection, clearing, and clarity.

I acknowledge you for taking time for you!