
We live in a culture that can minimize grief and the mourning process and, as a result, those experiencing grief and loss may isolate or feel shame around grief. Join our first Grief Support Group to help normalize the impacts of grief in a safe, non-judgemental space facilitated by Sonya Farrell, LMSW.

Each person experiences grief in their own unique way, and their own timing. Those grieving must also navigate their changing family dynamics, roles and self-identity. A group can provide support in the form of encouragement, shared experience, compassion and real life problem-solving suggestions; all while protecting against isolation and shame in a death and grief-avoiding culture.

Topics include: “Normal” grief responses, managing emotions in grief, myths and facts about grief, building resilience, spirituality, meaning, and self-care.

This group will be ongoing and meet on the first Monday of the month. Masks and proof of vaccination required.

Group size capped at 10 participants.

In person. Free. All adults welcome.