Guerrilla Marketing for REALTORS - Stop Wasting Handshakes


Guerrilla Marketing for REALTORS - Stop Wasting Handshakes image

Welcome back to IN-PERSON learning!

Lunch provided

What is Guerrilla Marketing for Realtors - Stop Wasting Handshakes?

Guerilla marketing can be a powerful tool for Realtors to build solid relationships and keep their clients.

This class will cover the Guerilla Marketing methods of Stop Wasting Handshakes and it will cover marketing strategies to connect with your client rather than communicating to your current and future client compared with traditional marketing methods.

We will also cover how social media helps you stay engaged in conversation from afar.

After the class, the attendees will receive an invite to join a four-week mastermind session regarding the principles they learned and how to apply them to their business.


Provided by: Impact Leadership Group

TREC Education Provider License # 9969 | Course # 42921

Course Instructor: Danny Smith