Guided Meditation Class -Open your Awareness to every detail, Big to Small


In this worksheet we’ll explore how our mind works, and in particular how our attention changes when we move from the big picture to a small area of single-pointed focus.

Mindfulness is about staying present and aware. We can do this on a grand scale, aware that it’s morning versus night, for example. And we can do this on a small, detailed scale, aware of this one particular fraction of a second.

While meditating, we might find that at first it’s easier to do one than the other. It may be easier to meditate on the body as a whole, versus holding awareness of just our pinky toe.

Playing with attention and awareness in this way builds our capacity for mindfulness and teaches us more about how our mind works.

As we move closer and closer towards ‘single pointed focus,’ a single point becomes more difficult to find. Even the tiniest of objects, or their atoms, can still be broken down into their parts.

Thus, by turning from the big picture to the smallest one, we end up with a big picture view again. This time, we notice that nothing exists the way we think it does, and that everything is dependent upon the construction of our minds.

We’ll use the meditation to play with shifting awareness from the big picture to smallest detail, noticing what happens along the way.

Guided Meditation Class -Open your Awareness to every detail, Big to Small image



You will unlock the full potential in your mind and attract endless opportunities just by tapping into the right frequency. Cure depression/anxiety, achieve laser focus, increase your confidence, and even attracting amazing opportunities


When you can feel a weight lift off of your body, your entire world changes. Chakras/energy has an instant effect on your body. By Removing Pain, Slowing Heart Rate, and increasing your Energy Levels.


Connect to your higher Self and experience a Spiritual awaking When you live your life on this higher vibration, your entire wold becomes brighter, clearer.

Meditation Schedule

  • Mondays: Focus and Productivity

1. Dealing with obstacals

2. Past Present, Future Awareness

3. Dealing with Bordom

4. Deeper Awareness (from big to small)

  • Tuesday: Authentic Self

1. True Nature

2. Learning Equanimity

3. Dealing with obstacals

4. Deeper Awareness (from big to small)

  • Wednesday: Peace and Joy

1. Being Still

2. Calming Exhale

3. Cultivating Joy

4. Contentment

  • Thursday: Conntacting to others

1. Noticing Helpers in your life

2. Mothers Love Meditation

3. Inner Voice

4. Emotional Anchor

  • Friday: Inner Self Love

1. Mothers Love Meditation

2. Noticing Helpers in your life

3. Finding Contentment

4. Cultivating Joy

  • Saturday: Dealing with Anxiety

1. Past Present, Future Awareness

2. Calming Exhale

3. Perfect 10 Breaths

4. Acceptance