Handling your Haters! A Kind Leadership Guild Workshop


Educational and Library Leaders know something about being criticized and undermined--especially in 2022. However, whether it's second-guessing team members, overbearing community members or bosses, or even outright saboteurs and haters, There is a solution!

Dr. Sarah Clark, founder of the Kind Leadership Guild, will present a workshop that takes you through the three steps needed to

  1. Make peace with being hated,
  2. Take what it useful from them while enforcing your boundaries, and
  3. Help them understand a little better where you're coming from*.

At the end of our time together, you will have an actionable framework you can apply to all the haters in your life, and I'll also provide next steps for those who want to delve deeper into Kind Leadership. Come prepared to participate and collaborate!


*this one isn't in your control, but we'll talk about how to deal with that reality too.