Heal Yourself with Energy (Introduction to Body & Brain Yoga & Tai-Chi)


Experience a unique blend of Yoga, Tai Chi, Breathwork and Meditation exercises.

Classes combine elements from a variety of Eastern practices to enhance your physical, mental and energetic health. Body & Brain practice helps you develop mindful breathing and relaxed concentration so that you can maximize the benefits from your physical exercise. BODY & BRAIN YOGA is a physical and brain workout that connects your mind and body for increased strength, flexibility, and centeredness.

Our yoga classes offer a variety of exercises and poses, helping keep your practice fun and dynamic while consistently covering the basics. Each Body & Brain yoga class not only trains your body but helps center your awareness inside yourself. Through our signature breathing postures you will accumulate energy and strengthen your core, leaving you feeling recharged, relaxed, and refreshed.

Improve your physical strength and flexibility

Strengthen your immune system

Better align your body

Improve your sleep

Enhance your focus and creativity

Increase your confidence and drive

Be part of a supportive and welcoming community