Heart of the Matter Meditation offered on Zoom


Heart of the Matter Meditation offered on Zoom image

NOW ON ZOOM - Heart of the Matter Meditation Evenings

7:30-9:00 PM ET

We invite you to experience a powerful meditation practice. In these live-streamed meditations you can release emotional build up like stress, anxiety, frustration and pain. You will be guided to open, move through obstacles and get freed up, so you can come to a more calm and connected place inside yourself. From there you will practice a process of meditative thinking to find clarity in areas of your life.

These meditations are for all levels of meditators. The first 30-minutes of the evening will begin with an introduction, time for contemplation and sharing. This will be followed by a 60-minute meditation, which uses all forms of music to assist your journey within.

Cost: $10

Open to everyone 18 yrs. old and over. Dress comfortably and have a  pen and paper.

For further information on streaming the meditation contact -  change@simplychangenow.net

Please register on this page by clicking on the Select a Date button

Meditations now available on the Heart of the Matter Meditation App.

Access 10, 30 and 45 minute guided meditations.

Download the App for free on IOS.