Helena Rehumanize Book Launch: Author Lecture & Book Signing


"Who deserves human rights? The answer to this question defines our character as individuals and as nations. This book is rooted in my conviction that we must stand against all forms of dehumanization and actively seek to rehumanize victims of violence. We must work to create a world where every human is respected in the culture, valued throughout their life in society, and protected in the law from all forms of violence."

The synopsis of this powerful primer on the Consistent Life Ethic sums up Aimee Murphy's ethos and sets the tone for the in-depth analysis and challenging material within its pages. Join us at Lewis & Clark Library for an event that's sure to challenge and inspire. The program will include an author presentation, discussion and Q&A with the author, and book signing. Registration for the event is free— and books and merchandise will be available for purchase at the venue.