Helping My Dyslexic Child with Literacy at Home


It is heartbreaking to see your child struggle to read and you want to do everything you can to make a difference.

In this webinar, Corrine Turner-Jacobs, M.S., A/OGA with ProgressiveK12 will help parents gain tools to foster independent readers and spellers.

Parents will learn:

1). What does sounding out a word really mean?

2). What other types of strategies can a child use to figure out a word

3). How to find a just-right book for your child

4). Why is spelling important?

5). What are three common spelling rules and how to teach them

6). Make and take a game to play with your child to practice a spelling rule

There will be time for Q&A at the end. Also, if you register but are unable to attend a recording will be sent.