Hillsboro City Council Ward Redistricting - Virtual Meeting June 8


The City of Hillsboro is changing the boundaries of its three City Council Wards. The 2020 US Census shows that the number of people living in each ward has changed. Working with Portland State University (PSU), the City will draw new boundaries to ensure that each ward has approximately the same population.

Where and how the new boundaries are drawn will affect who is likely to be elected as a City Councilor and how Hillsboro neighborhoods and communities have a voice in city government.

Oregon's Kitchen Table is supporting the City to engage the community and create ways for people who live in Hillsboro to give input on new ward boundaries. What would you like to see as the ward boundaries are drawn?

There will be an in-person (June 2, 6-8pm) and virtual (June 8, 2-6) option ( to attend a community meeting). Sign-up here for the virtual session or follow the link below for the in-person event registration.

Spanish language will be available at these events and food will be provided at the in-person option.

Click here for the in-person session on June 2.