How to Avoid Making a Mess of Recruiting and Reduce Your Workplace Stress


It's easy to jump on the bandwagon of outsourcing talent acquisition. Using external recruitment consultants and agencies has become so common and prevalent that it's easy to think that it's always a good idea in all industries and roles. But this isn't always the case.

One of the easiest ways to mess up your recruitment efforts is to simply turn it over to your recruiter or agency and walk away with the expectation of getting perfect candidates and employees in a few weeks. Delegating recruitment initiatives doesn't and shouldn't mean out of sight, out of mind.

To avoid the disasters that can occur if you set a recruiter to search with nothing more than the initial job requirements, you must have a high level management professional in the business monitor the process on a routine basis. Specifically someone who is close to the position you're hiring for, or has performed those duties themselves.

Whether it's a third-party agency or an internal professional, your recruiter is an extension of your company and should be able to paint a very clear picture of what it's like to work in your organization. This goes beyond understanding the technical and business requirements of the position.

At the same time, your compensation should at the very least be in-line with what the market currently demands for the position you're hiring for. This takes research to understand what professionals in the field are currently earning, and what your competitors are willing to pay to attract top talent.

Without considering these two very important aspects, your recruiting team is left at a significant disadvantage. Which only adds to the daily stress and challenges that come with working in such a highly competitive landscape.

The Challenge

Being the middle man between hiring managers and candidates wears a lot of recruiters down. "A lot of the time, we don't have all the information we need and we're unable to control the process," said Rachelle Roberts, a senior recruiter at ICF, a management consulting firm in Fairfax, VA. "We are all working for the customer, trying to manage the recruiting process plus the candidate experience and feel stuck in the middle." -

Putting the responsibility of building your team on your talent acquisition professional shouldn't be your solution for the real work of turning around an unproductive corporate culture and taking the management initiative to make sure the right support is in place for current and incoming employees.

Simply outsourcing the work because you've had trouble finding good candidates or retaining your employees is lazy, poor management and will only lead to a messy hiring experience and more costs for your organization.

As a talent acquisition professional, your role is dynamic and impactful. You change people's lives and can significantly advance an organization with key hires. The great resignation has created a hyper-competitive hiring environment, and the daily grind can lead to incapacitating stress and burnout.

This stress affects affects everyone from those new to the career to senior leaders, and it can be seen in both in-house recruiting teams and third-party agencies.

So what can you do to stop feeling the burnout in such a hot hiring market? How can you develop the right skills for staying calm in stressful situations and pushing back to make sure you have the right requirements and support?

Introducing Strategic Expansion!

The award winning enterprise development training experience that helps you discover and implement simple methods for reducing workplace stress and increasing employee retention. When you sign up for this experience, you'll not only receive an in-depth overview of the key skills for staying calm in stressful situations, you'll also get a Strategic Expansion Toolkit.

This toolkit guides you though a framework for growing your organization through innovative technologies and learning programs for creating and providing balanced and productive workplaces to make your organization more attractive to potential employees.


  • Keynote training session on Overcoming Uncertainty and Workplace Stress
  • Exploration exercise to determine your current hiring and workplace retention challenges
  • 3 toolkit exercises on the framework for balanced productivity
  • $100 Employee retention package

The Powerful Practices That You'll Learn in This Strategic Expansion Learning Experience

  • How to slow down the stress of the new normal of business
  • Practices for taking control when you or your team is overwhelmed
  • How to improve decision making under pressure.


Who is this for?

This training experience is for recruitment professionals and talent acquisition leaders who have a need for expanding rapidly in the next 3 - 12 months. This is also for leaders who want to create balanced and productive workplaces and make their organizations more appealing to potential employees.

How do I get into this event?

Your Strategic Expansion experience begins immediately after registration. When you select your time-slot and sign up, we'll immediately guide you through the Strategic Expansion Toolkit. After your toolkit discovery session is complete, you'll gain access to the online meeting room where you'll be able to join the keynote presentation and conversation.

I just signed up but have not received an email yet?

Your Eventbrite receipt and confirmation will have information on how to access your Strategic Expansion Toolkit. After completing your toolkit discovery, you'll be able to join the meeting room at your chosen time.

Strategic Expansion Workshop Experience

  • 1 Strategic Expansion Toolkit Discovery Session
  • 1-Hour Core Training Session
  • 3 Balanced Productivity framework exercises
  • $100 Employee Retention Package