How to Build Your Executive Authority and Become an Influential Leader


An influential leader is seen by others as the go-to person who can help and find solutions to their problems. People respond to good leadership. Those who always seem to always have the answers to problems, and have an incredible ability to get people to believe in them. However, this isn't the complete reality of what makes a great leader.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." - Abraham Lincoln

Being a leader is something that can impact every single aspect of your professional life. Ultimately, the best leaders are those who get results. And they do this by organizing and motivating a team of skilled professionals to get more accomplished by working collectively, than they would on their own. Your ability to accomplish this will greatly depend on how well you Motivate, Inspire and Encourage.

But where do you begin?

Learn how to become the go-to person in your role as a leader in this online leadership development experience. Through this event, you'll learn how to:

Take Responsibility

  • Understand what's really involved with being a successful leader.

Build Emotional Intelligence

  • Learn how to strengthen your emotional intelligence, and how you handle the job of managing others

Motivate Your Team

  • Learn how to build a culture that reduces stress and inspires creativity

Build Your Communication Skills

  • Become more charismatic and command respect, while helping your team feel more valued