How to Invest and Buy Real Estate with the VA Home Loan Benefit


Learn how the maximize the VA Home Loan Benefit! This a LIVE event! You will receive the address once you RSVP.

Expect to learn the following at this event:

How do I use the VA Loan to invest in real estate?

Can I buy multi-unit properties with the VA Loan?

How can I get paid to live in a home that I own? (House-hacking)

Do I have to pay any fees or charges to use my VA Loan?

Are interest rates better or worse on a VA Loan?

How do I maximize my benefit?

What does it take to qualify?

What are the Pros/Cons?

Learn this and much more as we will hand out your VA Loan black-belts after this class! I will also provide several credit score tips and real estate hacks everyone who wants to invest should know!
