How to Lose Weight & Regain your Energy using NLP


There are two kinds of people trying to lose weight. Those who are highly motivated but have the wrong information and those who have all the right information but struggle stepping into action.

Both kinds of people struggle with consistency.

Which one are you?

If you're the first type, then you need to learn the science of metabolism and weight loss. No more starving yourself, stepping on the scale every day, eating 800 calories or juice cleanses.

If you're the second type, it is time to move past your fears, limiting beliefs and lean into a support that gets you moving into action every day.

Yes, you can have a combination of the above challenges and this workshop will address your challenges.

We will first dive into the science of movement, nutrition and weight loss. The importance of sleep, light and stress management.

Once we download the correct information into your brain, we will use NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to help you set science-based goals, habits and create a system that works for your specific needs

At the end of this workshop, you will walk away with a general yet complete health plan that you can implement today to begin your journey back to health.

This is an interactive workshop where you may be asked to answer questions via the chat (or optional video), take notes and set action items to complete after the workshop is over.