"How To" Workshop: D.I.Y. makeup routine, boost confidence & slay everyday!


This is one of those, "learning to fish, instead of buying the fish" sort of things.

Oh, and there's more...

Tips and Tricks, Giveaways,

Lifetime Access to this information,

Best products,

Am and PM skin care routine, Q&A session +++

Your confidence will soar, you will learn a lifelong skill that promotes success.

Presenting your best self to the world.

It matters, feeling like a bad ass matters. Being confident in how you are presenting yourself to the world changes the game.

Having confidence in everything we do is THE difference.

They can say "looks don't matter, its whats inside that counts" but let's look at the science; 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. What is inside ultimately shows outwardly. What you look like on the outside tells people (and yourself) that you value yourself, and that you take care of your self.

This will be your daily confidence boost, your 30 minute "slay the day" infusion.

It is simple and quick to do, and will not break the bank, because who has hours to spend in the mirror, or a bunch of extra money to spend on makeup that you don't even know how to use?

BONUS: Get all of this while enjoying girl time, mini spa vibes, tasty snacks, and refreshments.

Ladies, you have FULL days, you are a professional in your industry, whether that be SAHM, Real Estate, Fashion, Influencer, Clerk, Bartender, etc. YOU ARE A PRO , so feel like one, look like one, and present yourself as one, EVERY. DAMN. DAY. PERIOD.

Still not convinced? Spa days are $200 +, getting your makeup professionally done lasts 1 day and costs at least $300. Lets say you book an online class from a makeup influencer or get life coaching, that is upwards of thousands of dollars...

This is one class, giving all this value, for $289, one time. And you have access to this information for life, and a friend you can call and ask questions, for life. Thats priceless.

PS You'd spend this amount, and then some, on a girls night, so book with a friend and I'll see you there.